Over the last 50 years, the Supreme Court decision on Roe versus Wade that legalized abortions remains a divisive issue in our society. To me, it is an example of how polarized
we become when we look at an issue in a binary way i.e. right or wrong, black or white, all or nothing.
I am Pro Life and against abortion, but also Pro Choice in letting women make their own decisions concerning their body. As a woman who has conceived, carried and delivered a child into this world, here is my non-binary perspective for Pro Choice and Pro Life.
We women have four important choices available to us in addressing the issue and opportunity to conceive a child.
- Choice #1. A woman can decide if she wants to engage in intercourse with a man or not. Should this decision be forced upon her, a woman has the next choice.
- Choice #2. A woman can decide to use contraceptives in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Should this decision be unavailable to her, a woman has the next choice.
- Choice #3. A woman can decide to abort an unwanted fetus by taking a pill immediately upon realization. If she missies this opportunity, a woman has the next choice.
- Choice #4. A woman can decide to abort an unwanted fetus within the first 3 months or 12 weeks prior to a heartbeat of an embryo ready to grow fully into a child.
That is my Pro Choice position and it still supports my Pro Life position. To think that it is a choice of any human being to deliberately destroy a fully developing embryo within a woman’s womb is a pro death position. It is the deliberate killing of another human being.
The modifications being considered by our political establishment to pull back from the full-term abortions (up to the full 9 months of embryo development) being allowed is 24 weeks. Do the math!! That is a 6-month fetus near full development (many preemies born at this point) and a mother fully “showing” her pregnancy in the size of her belly.
It’s hard to understand why a woman would carry a child to near or full-term and choose to kill it. Unless it threatens the life of the mother or child, it is taking a human life. I am all for Pro Choice but one that acknowledges Pro Life. Otherwise, as a society, we are condoning the deliberate killing of another human being. That’s not a choice in a moral society.