by Meg Alcott | Sep 6, 2023 | Democrats, Economy, Immigration, New Hampshire politics
Recently there was a bill in the New Hampshire House to ban sanctuary cities in New Hampshire. EVERY Democrat voted against it. Can we afford it? The concept of sanctuary cities has been a topic of intense debate in recent years. Sanctuary cities, which limit...
by Meg Alcott | Jul 6, 2022 | Democrats, Education, Freedom, Immigration, Socialism
The We the People Perspective: “The more Americans succeed without government interference, the less power the Democrats will have … to remake America into a Socialist state.” (Tim Scott, Republican Senator, South Carolina) The Liberal World Order Perspective:...
by RVHMaster | Mar 15, 2021 | Biden, Immigration, New Hampshire politics
If you haven’t heard about sanctuary cities, now would be good to check what’s happening in your area. As a New Hampshire resident, I have become aware of at least six[1] cities in my state that set up these illegal sanctuaries in 2017. As of 2021, it is likely the...
by RVHMaster | Feb 8, 2021 | Immigration, Short but sweet!
We had a guest for dinner the other night. She has a green card. I guess I never understood what that meant. As she described it, other than voting, she has every other benefit of being a citizen. That got me thinking about Biden’s plan for a “path to...