Why the Dems got thumped…
From Gerard Baker's opinion piece in the November 18, 2024, Wall Street Journal. He argues that the reason Dems got thumped is because they advocated these crazy ideas. The idea that people who have stolen into this country illegally should be showered with all the...
Dems want the rich to “Pay their fair share”, but they already do…
[This article is from the Wall Street Journal on November 20, 2024 and is available HERE on their site.) Here’s a statistic to remember next year, as Congress debates extending President Trump’s 2017 tax cuts: The top 1% of income-tax filers provided 40.4% of the...
The 2024 Election Mandate for We the People & the American Way
“No People will tamely surrender their Liberties, or can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused, and Virtue is preserved.” Sam Adams It is now nearly a month after the Presidential Election. While some of the People seem upset by the outcome, many if not...
Heather Baldwin Does Not Deserve to be Re-Elected
On November 5, 2024, we in Thornton, Rumney, and Waterville Valley will vote on who will represent us in the New Hampshire House. She is on-record for supporting both a sales and income tax and sanctuary cities. Heather Baldwin has held that position for the past...
Live Free or Die New Hampshire
A group of concerned New Hampshire citizens who stand for more freedom, not less.
When voting, ask yourself whether this candidate will enhance my freedom or take it away?”
Got freedom? Make sure you vote to keep it.
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Why we set this up and rules of the road
There are a lot of us who see a lot of un-American things going on in our country. From the move from liberty and freedom toward tyranny and socialism. We needed a forum to vent our thoughts and share our readings. This is that form. We welcome reasoned...
Why the Dems got thumped…
From Gerard Baker's opinion piece in the November 18, 2024, Wall Street Journal. He argues that the reason Dems got thumped is because they advocated these crazy ideas. The idea that people who have stolen into this country illegally should be showered with all the...
Dems want the rich to “Pay their fair share”, but they already do…
[This article is from the Wall Street Journal on November 20, 2024 and is available HERE on their site.) Here’s a statistic to remember next year, as Congress debates extending President Trump’s 2017 tax cuts: The top 1% of income-tax filers provided 40.4% of the...
The 2024 Election Mandate for We the People & the American Way
“No People will tamely surrender their Liberties, or can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused, and Virtue is preserved.” Sam Adams It is now nearly a month after the Presidential Election. While some of the People seem upset by the outcome, many if not...
Heather Baldwin Does Not Deserve to be Re-Elected
On November 5, 2024, we in Thornton, Rumney, and Waterville Valley will vote on who will represent us in the New Hampshire House. She is on-record for supporting both a sales and income tax and sanctuary cities. Heather Baldwin has held that position for the past...
The 2024 Election: We the People vs. They the Government
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." (George Washington) America’s Founding Fathers coined the phrase “we the people” to clarify that the role of government is to serve the people in creating “a...
Equitable versus Equality – this article is a must read!
You have two adult children, Alissa and Tony. They are twins. At the time of their birth, you had set up a trust account designated to go to them when they turned 30. They are 29 years old now—happily married, each with two children. As twins, they share many of the...
Rules for Conservatives to Fight Back
Rules for Conservatives in Response to Rules for Radicals “Liberal community organizers created mass organizations to fight Conservatives. Conservatives relied on the individual to fight back. The result is that Liberals are winning.” (Michael Charles Master in...
Power Principles & Tactics for We the People in the 2024 Election – Series #3 in the Alinsky Method
This is the last blog in a series of three on Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals.” As laid out in the prior two blogs, Alinsky’s method details how the “have nots” (in this case the middle class) can exercise their power against the “haves” (in this case the...
How to Organize for Success as a Silent Majority – Series #2 in the Alinsky Method
“The power and the people are in the big middle-class majority.” “Large parts of the middle class, the “silent majority” must be activated, action and articulation are one, as are silence and surrender.” “Once a people are organized, they will keep moving from issue...
How Trump (and Others) Can Win
How Trump (and Others) Can Win[1] In any election between Democrats and Republicans, there are those on the right and left who will vote for their party’s candidate no matter what. The key to getting elected are the folks in the middle, those who are swayable, those...
This website is managed by Johnny Harris of Thornton, New Hampshire. You can contact him via this contact form.
10 River View Drive
Thornton, NH 03285